Traveling Dog Trainer

Serving Alaska communities such as Kodiak, Valdez, Bethel, Haines, Nome, and more.

All clients outside of the greater Anchorage area are charged on a case by case basis. This is a new and growing program, so please contact the trainer for a consultation regarding travel.

  • Single Home Private Dog Training

    $1,000 + Travel Expenses

    Expenses include travel, room and board, and a vehicle for the trainer if traveling by air. These accommodations need to be dog friendly. The trainer travels with her four-legged assistant.

    This includes a minimum of 5 hours training time over the course of 3 days 2 nights. One of these days is usually a travel day, so plan for two sessions over the course of 2 consecutive days.

    Requires 4-12 weeks advance notice. Please call to begin the process. Planning is required.

  • Community Dog Training

    $600 per household + Travel Expenses (split 5 ways, plan for 7-9 days of accommodations)

    This includes…

    In-home dog training: commitments from 5 households are required to schedule a Community Travel event. This includes a one day, four hour, in-home dog training session + free admission to the Dog Language class. This can include a short travel trip to trails or dog parks.

    Dog Language Class: will be held at a pre- planned time and place. Cost is $100 per person and $20 of each ticket sold is donated to your local animal shelter.

    “Ask the Dog Trainer” event: This can take place at a farmer’s market, dog park, or other public event. Trainer is available for questions at no cost to anyone who shows up. Any donations or tips received at this event will be given to the local animal shelter.

    Requires 2-6 months advance notice. Please call to begin the process. Much planning is required :)

Traveling Expenses

Travel expenses are always changing. There are three expenses our travel clients are expected to cover: flights/drives, rooms, and a vehicle the trainer can use while working in your area. If someone wants to donate miles to cover a flight, then there will be no flights fee. If your community has a very clean, dog-friendly private room available, then the room fee is waived. We understand traveling to small Alaska communities can present its own challenges. Anchorage Dog Training can be flexible and reasonable when it comes to travel accommodations, let’s discuss the options in your area.