Anchorage Dog Training is about building a relationship with your dog through good communication and owner education.

What kind of training do we do?

“I am more than just a positive reinforcement trainer, my goal as a trainer is to get you to understand about both negative and positive reinforcement and how it is different from punishment. My first job is to educate owners about how to speak to, and train their dog in such a way, that their words and body language are understood. The second piece, and just as important, is to educate owners about what their dog’s body language is trying to say to them. Two-way communication becomes incredibly valuable when we are dealing with behavior problems such as fear, anxiety, or aggression. In addition, I avoid physical punishment. While punishment can be a useful training tool, it comes with all sorts of side effects such as learned helplessness. It breaks down trust, and may cause a dog to become more aggressive. With this said, I’ll teach you how to get the best behavior from your dog through good communication and positive reinforcement and avoidance of painful punishment.

The validity and efficiency of positive reinforcement training is well-established in the scientific community. I’ve been training dogs long enough to see firsthand the problems that can occur due to mishandling and poor communication. Many times, this is simply a matter of educating owners. I consistently hear owners say “I didn’t know” when I start working with them. This statement is wonderful, I love to hear it. When the owners are willing to learn and change their behaviors, changing the dog’s behavior becomes easy. By working one-on-one, I cater each session to the client’s specific needs to help you and your dog adapt appropriately.”
