Adventure Dogs

“My greatest joy in being a dog owner is taking my dogs with me on my adventures. Stand-up-paddleboarding, rafting, hiking, exploring, backpacking, peak bagging, and snowboarding are some of the wonderful outdoor activities I participate in with the company of my dogs. These types of dogs don’t happen on accident, it takes time, effort and willingness to teach your dog how to react appropriately to each new situation. While adventuring with your pooch, there are many things you may face during an outdoor activity. Moose, bear, moving water, and cliffs are a few of the hazards you may come across. Through solid communication and reasonable expectations, I can help you and your pet navigate this Alaska wilderness with confidence. Let’s turn your dog into an adventure dog too!”

-Cat the Dog Trainer, Bachelors Degree in Outdoor Education, Wilderness First Responder, Dog Trainer